Manage Your Technology Portfolio like all of your other business investments.
Every business survives by ensuring they are investing in the right things to deliver value to its organization. Capital finance has been the way that businesses historically manage assessing large business investments. In these settings, we look at the net present value (NPV) of borrowing money to decide if we are going to receive a sufficient return from the investment, the alternative would be to sit on the cash and earn interest.
When it comes to investing in our technology, we typically fund it from the expense side, allocating dollars that can be spent on things the business thinks are valuable. There is rarely an assessment that is equivalent to capital financing calculations, even when we are funding multi-million-dollar projects.
My QValue Portfolio scoring model aligns your business strategies with quantifiable outcomes while assessing those cost of these outcomes’ (investment) to ensure that you receive positive ROI from all your technology projects.
Stop spending your limited capital on technology that doesn’t deliver value, talk to me about QValue and how it can improve both flow of work to your teams while delivering higher ROI.
Learn more about QValue here